Drug possession charges are the lowest-level drug offenses possible in Georgia. However, they can still trigger numerous consequences. As a result, someone with a controlled substance violation on their record may lose out on certain opportunities in the future. A...
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Criminal Law
Criminal defendants benefit from the right of discovery
Individuals who have been recently arrested for alleged criminal offenses in Georgia are often very anxious about the future. Many people find the idea of going to trial so intimidating that they give up without a fight and plead guilty right away. That approach...
What is crossing the guard line in Georgia?
Most people have never heard of the offense of “crossing the guard line,” but it’s a serious crime in this state – and it’s easier to end up facing this charge than you might think. In essence, “crossing the guard line” is the term used to describe an attempt to carry...
3 ways that people successfully fight drunk driving charges
Anyone who is accused of a criminal offense has the option of going to court to fight those charges. However, a surprisingly large percentage of those facing criminal charges in the United States opt to plead guilty. They may fervently swear that they did not break...
2 ways drug court proceedings may benefit defendants
Drug offenses are some of the most common charges that people get arrested for in Georgia. Police officers can arrest people for physically possessing prohibited drugs and also for being under their influence, which is a form of possession. Drug charges may lead to...
Why DUI breath tests aren’t reliable
It’s no secret that law enforcement officers rely heavily on chemical breath tests to reliably determine a driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) before charging someone with driving under the influence (DUI). However, false positives and inaccurate readings are...
Can you refuse roadside breathalyzer tests?
When the police have reasonable suspicion of drunk driving, they will stop you and perform a chemical test to determine your breath or blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels to act accordingly. Georgia's Implied Consent Law requires drivers to submit to...
Don’t risk a “minor” DUI with kids in the car
If you enjoy having a drink with dinner or grabbing a beer when you’re socializing, you’re going to want to be proactive if you need to transport any minors after you’ve indulged in even a single drink. “But I can drive if I’ve had a drink, as long as my blood alcohol...
When can Georgia police officers conduct a search?
Unless someone turns themselves into the state in a bid for mercy, most criminal cases depend on the evidence that police officers gather. Therefore, the searches are frequently part of criminal investigations, and questioning searches can often be a very important...
What do 2 DUI convictions in Georgia mean for you?
When the police pull you over and arrest you for DUI, it’s natural to feel apprehensive about what’s coming next. If you’re facing a second DUI within the last ten years, you’ll know you’re facing a harsher penalty than the first time around. But just exactly what...