When the police have reasonable suspicion of drunk driving, they will stop you and perform a chemical test to determine your breath or blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels to act accordingly. Georgia's Implied Consent Law requires drivers to submit to...
Passion For The Law And Devotion To Our Clients
Year: 2023
The little-known danger of cauda equina syndrome and car wrecks
When people think of car accidents, they usually think of whiplash, broken bones and even traumatic brain injuries. Cauda equina syndrome isn’t usually on their radar – but it probably should be. Cauda equina syndrome (CES) is a serious neurological condition that...
Don’t risk a “minor” DUI with kids in the car
If you enjoy having a drink with dinner or grabbing a beer when you’re socializing, you’re going to want to be proactive if you need to transport any minors after you’ve indulged in even a single drink. “But I can drive if I’ve had a drink, as long as my blood alcohol...
When can Georgia police officers conduct a search?
Unless someone turns themselves into the state in a bid for mercy, most criminal cases depend on the evidence that police officers gather. Therefore, the searches are frequently part of criminal investigations, and questioning searches can often be a very important...
Car accidents cause emotional injuries, too
Sadly, there are millions of road traffic collisions across the U.S. every year. In minor crashes, victims can often walk away with few physical injuries. Serious car crashes can result in life-changing injuries and even fatalities. One aspect that is commonly...
Georgia accident compensation facts all motorists should know
You may know that you only have two years from the date of a car crash to file a claim for damages in Georgia. You may also know that this is an at-fault state and that you must prove the other motorist caused the accident. Although states strive to clarify accident...
Can your child choose where they want to live when you divorce?
When you decide to divorce, you know that your family will go through some difficult changes. After all, the two of you will inevitably end up living separately. When you have children, your relationships with your kids will also evolve after your separation. Children...
What do 2 DUI convictions in Georgia mean for you?
When the police pull you over and arrest you for DUI, it’s natural to feel apprehensive about what’s coming next. If you’re facing a second DUI within the last ten years, you’ll know you’re facing a harsher penalty than the first time around. But just exactly what...
How could pets cause a car crash?
If you take your pets with you in the car, you need to do so in the correct manner. Otherwise, they could cause a crash that injures you, them and others. Maybe you already do this, but many drivers do not understand how to transport their pets safely or decline to do...
Remaining silent can protect you
If you are allegedly caught in a mistake by the police, they may want to question you to get details about the case, and in turn, determine your involvement. Although providing information seems like a way to prove your innocence, it may harm your case. According to...